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Many homeowners choose to install a fence on their property for a number of different reasons. A fence can provide a clear perimeter to private property, and with the number of fencing options available, a fence can provide so much more. New, modern designs or classic, traditional styles of fences can add to the appearance of any home. From function to style, fences can serve a number of different purposes. If you are exploring your options for an upcoming fence installation, continue reading to learn more about today’s most popular fence styles.


Privacy fences are a great way to turn your backyard into your own personal sanctuary. One of the fastest growing trends in fencing today is installing a privacy fence. A privacy fence is taller than a traditional fence, and is made of solid materials. These fences can be built from many different types of materials, from wood to vinyl, and come in a variety of different styles. Decorative options allow for a more inviting overall look to your home, while still achieving the privacy you desire.


Ornamental fencing, also known as decorative fencing, is a popular option for homeowners looking to extend their own personal style into their yards and outside of the home. Many times, these types of fences are made of metal and can be custom-made to create a unique look. Metal fences are also popular, as they require a minimal amount of maintenance.

Chain Link

For many homeowners, chain link fences continue to be a popular choice. Chain link fences are relatively easy to install and are quite cost-effective. Even though chain link fences may not have the same aesthetic appeal, at first, their design makes for an easy trellis, which can be used for flowers or other plants.

At Paramount Fence, Inc. we have many options to suit the fencing needs of any home. Our fence installation selection allows you to find the best fit for your home and yard. To learn more about fence installation in Chicagoland, call 630-225-7680.