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Black metal fence gate for security installed for a house in Batavia, IL

People install fences for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they want to improve their curb appeal, make their back yards more private, or contain their pets and kids. If you’re looking for security, though, there are some specific guidelines to make sure you’ve chosen the right security fence.

What is the most secure fence? It’s a fence that doesn’t give a thief anywhere to hide, is difficult to climb, and can’t be circumvented easily. Bearing those characteristics in mind, you have a lot of options for great security fences, so let’s look at each factor separately.

  • Nowhere to Hide: Choose a fence for your back yard that you can see through. You may be giving up some privacy, but it’s good to be able to see who is approaching or lurking.
  • Difficult to Climb: Taller is better, but most of the time the tallest fence you’ll be allowed to install is probably eight feet tall. In addition to being tall, your fence should have very few horizontal rails that might give a thief a foothold for climbing over. Another great way to make fences hard to climb is to choose a fence style with something pointed at the top. A tall, sturdy ornamental steel or aluminum fence with a spear top checks all the boxes for being difficult to climb.
  • Hard to Bypass: Make sure no one can go around, under, or through your fence. The fence posts should be secured into the ground with concrete so they can’t easily be knocked over or pulled out. You should also choose a fence that can’t be cut with bolt cutters, and make sure your gates aren’t easy for intruders to open. What is the most secure gate? A heavy-duty gate, just as secure as your fence panels, preferably padlocked.

For added security, consider adding a short fence to the front yard. If you can’t completely surround your home with a tall security fence, choose a decorative front yard fence that surrounds the yard, can’t be easily jumped, and won’t provide a hiding place. A short fence won’t be impenetrable, but it will provide a mental barrier to anyone considering breaking into your home. Running up to the front door is not as easy if you have to climb over a fence to do it.

When you’re ready for a new fence, call Paramount Fence for professional installation. We’re a full-service fence sales and installation business in the Chicagoland area, proudly serving the following counties in Illinois: Kane, DuPage, Kendall, DeKalb, McHenry, and parts of Cook, Will and Lake. With more than half a century of combined experience, we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Paramount Fence is a member of the American Fence Association and a registered member of the Better Business Bureau. For more information, call us at 630.239.2714 or contact us through our website.