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Paramount Fence for home, Chicago, IL

Paramount Fence offers the products and design options that put customers in the driver’s seat. Learn about making decisions in terms of fence type and material by checking out the links below.

  • Which is the best fence for your home? Compare fence types and materials by reading this article from CBS News.
  • Privacy fences are popular for homeowners who would otherwise feel too exposed in their backyard. Check out for the scoop on privacy fencing. 
  • If you have a home or business that needs a new fence or gate, make sure you know how to discuss property lines with your neighbor. This link to will help you out.
  • Wooden fences are the most popular and classic choice for a fence, but they do need to be maintained over the years. Check out this article on how to keep wood fences from rotting.
  • Are you planning out the landscape design for your new home? Where you put fences will have a big impact. Consider this advice from

Contact Paramount Fence for expert installations and superior service. We’re happy to help our customers choose the perfect wood, aluminum, and vinyl fences for their homes, and we serve 8 counties in the state of Illinois. Call us for more information at 630-239-2714.